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Report Player By Zuc

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Report Player By Zuc Empty Report Player By Zuc

Post  RendyOrton Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:49 pm

Name: eNdZ0r
Reported for: injuraturi la adresa unui admin([SFR]Zuc adica eu) si unui player
Proof: am inca destule

Report Player By Zuc 2jeo4s6
Report Player By Zuc 10foq60
Report Player By Zuc 29cqmgj

prima oara am dat mute
Dupa un anumit timp iam scos mutele
El a continuat cu injuraturile
Iam dat warn
Sa ajuns la warn 3
A intrat si a continuat cu injuraturile
mai un warn si are dinou warn 3

Cer loarea imediata a unor masuri de precautie

Posts : 216
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Join date : 15/11/2010
Age : 27
Location : Arad


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Report Player By Zuc Empty Re: Report Player By Zuc

Post  [SFR]FLoRyN Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:46 pm

Si ce vrei sa facem noi?Smile)..si tu esti admin doar...dai mute mereu knd injura..si kick...:-j

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Report Player By Zuc Empty Re: Report Player By Zuc

Post  RendyOrton Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:55 pm

Pai am dat cel putin 10 muteur si 7 kickuri si tot intra si ma injura

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Age : 27
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Report Player By Zuc Empty Re: Report Player By Zuc

Post  [SFR]FLoRyN Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:47 pm

Il tii mereu in mute, eventual vorbesti si cu el sa numai injure, pana intelege.

Posts : 183
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Join date : 13/02/2010
Age : 30
Location : Romania


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